Tuesday, May 22, 2012


Initially i started this blog as a way to vent so that Patty didn't have to take the brunt of the garbage i usually can home and talked about. It's been a while and i realize that it did not work very well. Most of the time when i get home from work she still has to listen to the garbage and it does not go here as intended. So i would like to officially appologize, and thank my lovely wife for putting up with all the crap. That said, in my last post i did manage to complain and it felt good to get it out. However, i do not want to give the wrong impression that my new job is all bad. It has it's good days and some days that are not so good, but overall it is a massive improvement over what i left behind. I am in a position to be the captain of my own future. I have a lot of freedoms that were not afforded to me in the last position i held, and the whole thing is a blank slate for me to fill.
On a personal note, i am living in the new house and it is a massive improvemtent from the apartment. Most of the projects are either complete or under way and soon to be completed. Patty and Aimee will be joining me in 2 weeks and that is cause for celebration. I can not wait to have my family back together. They came to visit me last weekend and even though there was a bunch of work that had to be done, i really enjoyed the visit. I don't think they know just how much they mean to me or how much i miss them when they are not around. Just like Patty, moving has been hard for me. I miss the friends we have made over the last 8 years in Cincinnati, and the ward family is going to be missed very much. Steubenville has a very different pace of life to it, it is much slower and is taking a lot to get used to. although they do have the big city driving mentallity. Over all, life is good, God is great, and things are lookin up.


Patty said...

Just for the record, there has been a lot less crap being vented since taking this new job! Yay!
I can't wait to be together again in our new home- working on projects and relaxing with the slow pace of life!
You've definitely earned some brownie points with this post!! lol

Mama D said...

Overall, it sounds like a huge improvement... although it means leaving Cincy and FF Ward, which is definitely NOT a positive. However, we have discovered that there are a lot of quality "FF Wards" out there. A new ward and city are what we make of them, and it sounds like you are all going to settle in wonderfully (once you are together again). :)