Saturday, October 23, 2010

Let's change America's political face

I have been looking at all the stupid political ads. Now it's time to let the idiot politicians know what we think. I HATE attack ads!!!!!!! We need to dismiss all politicians with any political experience. Lets elect all new people that have the country's best interest at heart and not their own wallets. Lets limit terms for all offices to 3 terms. No retirement for any elected officials, once they have served they need to get a real job and quit living off my taxes. We need to limit political pay checks. No elected official should get rich off the sweat of their constituents, so lets put the political paycheck limit to no more than $75,000.00 per year, and the people vote on their pay raises in an open election, not the politicians behind closed doors. We need to outlaw lobbyist. Politicians need to work for the people, not deep pocket corporations. I am still trying to understand why we spend tax dollars studying all kinds of stupid things that will never make a difference to anyone. If  you want to study something, find a corporate sponsor! Our taxes were never intended to finance your research. Never have I seen anywhere a founding father's comment that said we are going to tax the citizens in order to study turtle spit.

1 comment:

Patty said...

I agree that something drastic needs to be done with our political system, I'm just not sure how we, as regular citizens, can really do anything that will make much of a difference. I wish there were a few truly good candidates that I could feel good about voting for. Where are the true patriots who are wanting to serve the country, uphold the consititution, and not just make a grab for power for themselves?